Recently, with all that is going on in our world, I have been asked if we are in the "lasts days" before Christ's return. Chapter 3 outlines for us what to look for. Paul, the writer of Timothy, share 19 descriptors that will characterize the breakdown of both society and the family. Can you list them?
Amazingly, many of these things listed were happening in Paul's day as well. Misguided affections were running rampant--even as they are today. Society is enamored with love of self, money, and pleasure when only a true love for God can prioritize in our live proper affections.
Today, godly lifestyles and principles are under attack. Many profess godliness but their actions show their greatest love is the person in the mirror. Many are rebellious and unforgiving and have no desire to approach a place of conversation or negotiation to come to a place of peace.
Standing for the truth and living for Christ comes with a price. It is imperative today that we maintain a firm foundation in God's Word and not be tossed about by all the voices screaming in the streets, the news media, and wherever else. It is the Word of the Lord that will bring needed prospective and stabilization into our lives during these tumultuous times. Keep your heart and mind focused on the Lord! Draw near to Him and be at peace! Jesus has overcome death, hell, and the grave--and in Him we too will be victorious!
Even so, come Lord Jesus!