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About Us

Our mission statement

We believe our chief purpose on earth is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Trinity Presbyterian church is a community of believers called by God to touch lives through Jesus Christ so all will come to know him as Savior. Our motto is “to be the love of Jesus” to each other, our community and all we come in contact with.

our Pastor

Rev. Dr. Peggy Jo Wobbema


Rev. Dr.  Peggy Jo Wobbema began serving Trinity Presbyterian on May 1, 2016. She is a graduate of Central Bible College with a degree in Biblical Theology, located in Springfield, Missouri. She received her Master of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling in 1994 and in 2007 received her Doctor of Ministry degree in Missional Leadership at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield. She has been in full time ministry since 1991 and is an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church USA.


Dr. Wobbema serves as Vice President of the Alliance of Churches Board in Shell Knob, is an active member of the local Lions Club, is a member of the local Woodcarvers Group, and is an active member of the John Calvin Presbytery.


our beliefs

The Presbyterian Church (USA) expresses the faith of the Reformed Tradition. Central to this tradition is the affirmation of the majesty, holiness, and providence of God who creates, sustains, rules, and redeems the world in sovereign love. The election of the people of God for service as well as for salvation is God’s doing. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.


We believe in One God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eternal God was incarnate in Jesus Christ. In the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ there is the assurance of God’s victory over sin, Satan, and death. Christ’s activity in the world continues through the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—there is no other name in heaven or on earth by which we can be saved.


We believe the Church, of which Jesus Christ is the head, is called to be in and for the world where sin is forgiven, and reconciliation is accomplished. Trinity is only one congregation among many in this world.


We believe the Bible is the God-breathed Word written through the hands of his servants and our ultimate authority in all matters of faith and practice. With this understanding we know that all people are created in God’s image and welcomed in his love.


The logo of Trinity Presbyterian Church was designed by Jean Forkner Simpson. It is formed of three circles to represent the Triune God. At the center is the empty cross symbolizing the resurrected Christ. The three doves represent the Holy Spirit, one recalling the descending dove that comes with baptism, the dove of new beginnings which was released by Noah, and the dove of peaceful action.


Three “C’s” of the Presbyterian Church:


We are Connectional: The church’s unity expresses itself in our connection to larger councils. Our connectedness allows us to do more in mission that we could do on our own.


We are Confessional: We identify our creeds as a way of communicating to the world who and what we are, what we believe, and what we resolve to do.


We are Constitutional: We believe in order and administer ourselves according to a constitution. It consists of two parts: The Book of Order (Form of Government, Directory for Worship, Rules of Discipline) and the Book of Confessions (The Nicene Creed; the Apostles Creed; the Westminster Confessions; et. al.) The Bible is the primary source of our faith. All other statements are subordinate to and guided by the Scriptures.

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