Below are my notes from preaching--there is much in between the lines that happens during the sermon time when the Holy Spirit brings various things to mind while presenting the Word--that is the joy of being in the pulpit and following the Spirit's leading!
One of the most important things that we can do is to understand the work of the Triune God throughout biblical history.
In Exodus 31:1-11 we have a concise view if what the Spirit is doing.
Spirit of wisdom, understanding and ability in every craft
…to design artistic works
…to cut gemstones for mounting
…to carve wood for work in every craft
The Word says that the Spirit put wisdom in the heart of every skilled artisan—in order to accomplish what the Lord had called them to do.
Proverbs 2:6 says, “for the Lord gives wisdom, from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Everything involved the person’s heart which helps in recognizing that “wise” and “wisdom” in Proverbs refer to skills for living in relationship with others and with the Lord. (CSB141) and living life to its full.
“The Lord provided what people needed to make things that would be valuable to Him and to other people.”
The skills we have—the giftings are not just for our own progress or enjoyment, but for others and God’s kingdom.
Exodus 35:4-36:7—not only skills given but the ability to teach others! Gifts that are shareable and important to be willing to share.
Illustration: When I first decided to take up wood carving, I took a beginner’s class—and I still feel like a newbie! But the teachers were experienced. They had taken their gift and worked over the years to excel in them. I’m still working on mine! One thing I know—I have to be open to learning new ways.
But what about all these gifts listed in our Scripture today? What were they for? What was the Spirit’s intent at the time—and I also believe for today?
The ability given to each artisan was to build and enhance the Tabernacle for worship. And for the priests at the time to serve in the sanctuary. As I reflect on this thought, it reminds me of 1 Corinthians 10:31 that says, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God!” And the entire premise is to follow the Lord’s commands.
All of these instructions were being given to Moses up on the mountain in the presence of a Holy God while down below the children of Israel were making and worshipping a golden calf. Moses destroys the tablets and the Lord deals with Israel’s sin—yet as you continue to read in Exodus, God restored the tablets and forgave Israel’s sin.
An interesting aspect is in the making of the golden calf. The people removed their gold rings etc. to make it…fast forward to Exodus 33:9 where the people were told to take all their jewelry off and it says, “ they remained stripped of their jewelry from Mt. Horeb forward.”
We need to grasp this because it all has to do with the heart! The Spirit places things in the heart and mind but we have the responsibility to follow through.
Now forward to Exodus 35—take up an offering for the Lord—“Let everyone WHOSE HEART IS WILLING—gold; silver, gems etc…then verse 10—Let all the skilled artisans among you come and make everything the Lord commanded. RESTORATION!
Exodus 35:21f—“EVERYONE WHOSE HEART WAS MOVED and whose spirit prompted him came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work of the Tent of Meeting, for all its services, and for the holy garments. Both men and women came—ALL WHO HAD WILLING HEARTS!
Their hearts prompted them and they responded to the work of the Spirit.
Proverbs 2:10-11 “For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will delight you. Discretion will watch over you, and understanding will guard you.
Proverbs 2:2—listen closely to wisdom, call out, direct your heart to understanding
1. God gives gifts and insight for the His glory in our lives.
2. God is so creative and we are created in the Trinity’s image—and the invitation is for us to be creative also.
3. We are given insight if we will trust the Spirit of God within us—for all types of tasks and problem-solving skills in our lives.
How many times have you encountered a head scratcher—wondering how does this work or what do I need to fix this or create something that will work?
It is the Spirit that brings the creativity to answer those questions in our lives. We need only yield our hearts and minds to flow with the Spirit of God in our lives.
No one is exempt from the creativity gifts from the Spirit into our lives.
All of this is Spirit given creativity and its good for us to recognize not only the gifts that the Lord has placed within each of us but to also honor what you see in others—and to give God the glory for it all.
1 Corinthians 12:7 says, “A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good!”
But what does it take for each of us—it is consecrating ourselves to not only listen and receive from the Spirit of God in our lives but to yield our hearts to God’s ways…AND WHEN WE DO—THE BLESSINGS FLOW!