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  • Writer's picturePastor Peggy

Spiritual Drought or Watered Well??

It’s been quite a summer for us and now we are starting to FINALLY get the cooler Fall temperatures and moisture. We have so needed the rain, and even though it has not been much, we can rejoice in the gift it gives to the plants, trees, and flowers.

I cannot help but think about the “dryness” that the summer has brought—the lake is low and for many of us, we have had to water everything almost every day. But what about your spiritual life? Where is it at? Drought mode? Dry and needing refreshment? Or are your fully saturated with the goodness of God and the “watering” of the Spirit of God through the Word of the Lord?

Scripture reminds us that refreshing comes from the presence of the Lord in our lives. It is the goodness and faithfulness of God that renews our souls and keeps us grounded in our faith. In the past weeks in both our Bible study and Sunday morning worship services the emphasis has been on our spiritual armor—putting it on to be able to stand against the enemy of our souls who desires nothing less than discouraging us and causing us to not grow in our faith and love for the Lord. It is crucial to each of us to daily stand strong and to declare our faith as victory in our lives.

As your Pastor, I want to encourage you to daily seek the Lord, to be sure to take times of prayer, meditation, and the studying of God’s Word. But I also want to encourage you to remain faithful to fellowship and attending our Sunday morning times of worship together. There is something very precious about worshiping with your fellow Trinity family members. Don’t neglect this time! Let us all together continue to grow in our love for the Lord and one another.

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