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Writer's picturePastor Peggy

On The Journey of Advent: The Wise Men

When I bought my current car I felt disappointed that the visor didn’t widen with a small extra piece like my last CRV did. Understand, I have had this vehicle now for a year and a half. The other day the sun was very bright on my side of the vehicle so I moved the visor over and low and behold I realized that it slid over and that the visor moved because it had extra framing to add about 4 inches! Now, I share that because what was so familiar now all of a sudden was new and delightful. It made me think about how familiar God’s Word can become and the stories familiar that maybe we don’t take the time to really reflect on them as we should.  Thus, this new series for Advent—On the Journey. We will explore various stories of Christ’s coming beginning with the Magi from the East.


What can we learn from the Wise Men on their journey to find the Messiah? And, how can that translate to us today as we begin our own Advent Journey? It’s so easy to picture the wise men on the picture with camels and small items of treasure to give but it would have been much larger than that! These were learned men and many believe astronomers, and more than likely would have had a large entourage with them. We don’t know how long they were on the journey but it would have been a significant amount of time.


Scripture says they followed a star…most commentators believe that this was a moving comet or meteor as it moved until it was over the place where Christ was—leading them to the house much like the Lord led the children of Israel out of the wilderness with the fire by night and the cloud by day. This would have been a supernatural phenomenon in the skies and they followed with urgency. These were not Jews but would have been representative of the Gentiles which is a very interesting concept as it just goes to show that from the very beginning God’s plan is to bring about all peoples to know the Messiah, to know the Savior of the World. That is just a small detail that we need to remember—the continued work of the Lord to bring all people into the realm of His love and grace.


The wise men would have needed be very consistent in their journey and also dedicated to it.


The first thing I want to bring to light would have been these men’s hunger for truth. They were very clear with King Herod—“Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star at its rising and have come to worship him.”


These clear comments about the wise men’s purpose upset the apple cart per se with Herod and all of Jerusalem. They quoted the Old Testament Scripture from Micah 5:2—And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah. Because out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.”


The voice of the prophets called out to the people to pay attention, to not rebel against God’s ways, promising that if you follow His ways, you will be blessed.


In John 1:17 it tells us that grace and truth came through Jesus! That very truth will set you free. Jesus himself declared that he is the way, the truth, and the life and that nobody comes to the Father but through Him.


The psalmist writes in Psalm 119:160 that the entirety of God’s word is truth.


So how does this translate to us today?


I guess it can come down to a simple question—how determined are you to not only seek truth but to walk in it? There are always going to be obstacles and distractions along the way. Sometimes it seems like time slips by and you wonder where did it go! Seeking truth takes energy in many ways—spiritual energy (the need to walk in obedience to God’s Word), emotional energy, mental energy, and amazing it can also take social energy when perhaps to fulfill your search for truth on any given day you would have to draw a boundary to protect your time.


The seeking of truth also requires that one be teachable, flexible, and willing to change as real truth challenges perhaps your current understanding.


If you seek truth, as often is written in Proverbs—to seek wisdom, to gain understanding—you will receive it if you push through.


A second lesson we can learn from the Magi is intentional worship! How often, as you learn more and more about Jesus, do you take the moments to just stop what you are doing and worship? To enter into the Lord’s presence and there bask in His love and grace. Worship can happen anywhere and at any time. It can be quietly thanking the Lord for a beautiful sunset or verbally proclaiming His grace and love through words of praise. It can be in the sanctuary during our corporate worship raising your hands in praise to God or gently bowing your head in His sweet presence.


What was their response to Herod—we have come to worship him! When they came to the house where Jesus was it says they fell to their knees and worshipped him! The power of this truth is that they worshipped OPENLY! There was nothing hidden in their praise and worship.


When Jesus in John 4 encountered the woman at the well, He proclaims to her—"But an hour is coming and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth.”

(verses 23-24)


The idea for us today is that in our worship there is sincerity, there is a purposefulness in our approach to the Lord. Our worship, according to the words of Jesus, is to be led by the Holy Spirit and it is to be in truth. Not hiding anything, not pretending, but with heartfelt joy and delight entering into worship of the One who is worthy of our praise and adoration. There may be times when your heart just doesn’t feel like worship—those are the times when you absolutely need to press through and put your feelings into the care of the One who knows your heart and loves you with an everlasting love. Such a sacrifice of praise pleases Him.


What led up to the praise, to the worship of the Magi—they were overwhelmed with joy! Joy of finding Jesus! Joy of their journey being fulfilled and them finding the end destination of their travels and exploration. How much of your walk with Jesus is filled with overwhelming joy in knowing Him?

We sang today—Joyful, joyful we adore you…not just the words of a song sung at Christmas time but words that express a depth in our hearts of what this precious season is all about.


Finally, we can learn from the Magi the grace of generosity. They came prepared with gifts that were at that time of great financial value. It was treasures—plural! This is a lesson that this congregation is already walking out. The precious gifts of Share Your Christmas are being gathered. The giving of tithes and offerings through the year in the church to maintain our ministry, to take care of our building, and humbly to take care of your pastor, together we bless the Lord through giving and it touches our community and each other.


The Apostle Paul writes that God loves a cheerful giver and that each person is to determine in their own hearts what they are going to give.


When the Magi’s visit was all said and done it says they were warned in a dream about Herod’s plot and they took another direction to their home country.


When Advent is over and we look toward a new year—the focus changes somewhat and we seek the Lord for new direction, for new vision, for fresh opportunities to seek the Lord and to honor Him in all that we say and do—not only as a congregation but as individuals as well.

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