"Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the church!" This is very powerful statement today in regard to the illustration of the love between a husband and wife that is to sustain them. When we read portions of the Scripture like this we need to keep in mind that the Lord is very interested in our relationships. How we love one another--whether in a marriage situation or not.
Paul makes it clear that he was using the marriage relationship as an example of how it is to be with Christ and the church. We ask ourselves the question--how does Jesus love us? The answer is clear--sacrificially! Jesus gave his life for us that we would not only be saved but that we would be a in a holy and intimate love relationship with the Lord.
I remember reading a book called "Sacred Romance". It was about how our relationship with Christ is meant to be intimate and close. Remember that we are to love the Lord with everything--heart, body, soul, and mind!
Today I invite you to take a deeper leap in your love for Jesus, for each of us, as part of the body of Christ, are the Bride of Christ--whom he loves with his entire being.