It's a good question for each of us to ask ourselves--how firm is my faith? Am I easily swayed by others that do not agree with me in regard to serving Jesus? Do I balance what I hear with God's Word or do I just take everything I hear hook, line, and sinker?
Each of us has the responsibility to make certain we are growing in our knowledge of Christ. We all need to be reading God's Word and hiding in our hearts and minds. We have received our salvation through grace by faith in Jesus and that is how we are to continue to live our life as well. Our roots are to go deep in Christ (read Psalm 1) and as we sink our roots deep we are built up and strengthened.
It is amazing to me how often Scripture talks about overflowing with thanksgiving. This can only happen as we strive to be full of Christ in every aspect of our being. It is not an option, it is a necessity!