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  • Writer's picturePastor Peggy

Don't Put Off Spirit's Fire, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-28

As believers, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit that comforts, guides, and reminds us of all Jesus has taught us through the Scriptures. So, it is understandable that verse 19 tells us to "not put out the Spirit's fire." But how is that fire diminished in our lives. The verses we have today let us know and I am going to make them simply in bullet points today.

We put our the Spirit's fire by:

*Not being kind to one another

*allowing life to steal our joy

*lack of a fervent prayer life

*being unthankful.

**All of the above is contrary to the will of God in our lives...but we don't stop there...

*we are responsible to keep the fire of God burning in our hearts and lives

*don't treat prophecy with a hard heart

*test everything--in other words, don't take everything hook, line, and sinker!

*hold tightly to what is good--in other words, don't entertain in your heart or mind negative things that could bring you down. Learn how to discard things that have no value in your life.

*avoid every kind of evil--avoid those things that are contrary to the Word of God!

If we will do the things put forth before us in the Word, God himself works in our lives to sanctify us. The Lord causes our entire being to be kept blameless until Jesus returns for His Bride--the Church.

Let us walk before the Lord with fervent hearts, loving hearts, and a steadfastness that desires so much to please the Lord in all we say and do.

The grace of the Lord Jess Christ be with you!

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