A few very powerful words are found in the second verse: CONTINUE EARNESTLY in prayer, being VIGILANT in it with THANKSGIVING! Wow! The idea is that we do not give up on praying for those things that not only concern us personally, but also for our families, for our friends, for our community, our nation, and especially for the work of the Word of the Lord going forward to touch people's lives.
Along with the importance of prayer with thanksgiving comes the admonition to examine ourselves in such a way to look honestly at how we are responding to those around us. We are to walk in wisdom and utilize the time to care for and love those who do not know Jesus. That is the very reason why the church is the church. Yes, we are blessed to share in fellowship with one another, but our ultimate purpose is to share Christ with those who do not know Him.
Verse 6 should cause each one of us to pause and examine ourselves in regard to how we speak to one another and to those around us. "Let your speech ALWAYS be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one."
Our Christian responsibilities in a non-Christian world are to persevere in prayer, ife a lifestyle that is discreet and holy and full of service, and to promote wholesome speech,
How are you doing with these responsibilities today?
Beginning Monday, we will start our journey through 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus. I would invite you to begin reading these books and to start getting their message into your heart and mind.