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  • Writer's picturePastor Peggy

Are You An Example? 1 Thessalonians 1

The Apostle Paul begins this book by extending to the people to Thessalonica the grace and peace of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. He continues by extending to the people a message of thanksgiving for their constant faith and service to the Lord.

Despite "much affliction", the Thessalonians maintained a love and steadfastness due to the hope they had in Christ. They received the Word of the Lord with joy despite the difficult circumstances they were in during this time in history. The end result of their behavior was a beautiful example of what it means to walk in love and to serve the Lord in the midst of trials.

The Word of God is timeless in so many ways. Our world is chaotic, evil, and in so many ways Christian values are being challenged on every front. Perhaps here we don't feel the persecution of our faith directly, but it is being challenged today in subtle and other times blatant ways. But how are we to be? Are we, in the midst of our own circumstances today, receiving the Word with joy? Are we remaining steadfast in our faith and rejoicing in the hope that comes from Jesus? Are we sharing the precious gospel with others when the opportunity arises? Or are we complaining, bickering, feeling sorry for ourselves, etc?

I guess the question that only each of us can answer today is: Are my words and actions an example of faith to others or a detriment to others?

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