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  • Writer's picturePastor Peggy

It Looks Like This! Colossians 1:1-14

Prayer--it is a powerful tool in the spiritual arsenal of the believer! It all begins with having a thankful heart as we each would take our concerns to God. The Apostle Paul in his writing is giving God praise for the spiritual growth of the Colossians believers. But what is the goal of prayer? Verses 9-14 clearly lay it out to us.

Why do we pray for one another and how should we pray for one another? This is the list presented to us--asking God to:

  1. fill you with the knowledge of God's will

  2. give you spiritual wisdom and understanding

  3. help you live a life worthy of the Lord

  4. help you to please the Lord in all you do

  5. help you would bear fruit for God as you continually grow in your faith

  6. strengthen you with God's power so you can have endurance, patience, and joy

All of this so that you and I would understand that it is God who qualifies us to serve and belong to the Kingdom of God! How can this all be possible--because God has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness into the light of Jesus!!! Wow! Can we start praying for one another in this way? What a difference it would make in all of our lives!

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