The news of COVID continues to cover the headlines and people's lives, yet, we know that there is hope on the horizon that at some time things will settle down--at least we hope so! But in the meantime, we go on to live our ordinary lives and to discover opportunities each new day to live out our faith.
Every year I ask the congregation if they are closer to the Lord this year than last year. If not, why not??? Perhaps you too could answer that question for yourself. Where are you now in your walk of faith? Is the Lord more precious to you and are you growing in your walk with Him?
Beginning in February we will be starting, what we call, Brown Bag Bible Study. Everyone brings their own lunch we and we study together. This February we will be utilizing a book by Dr. David Jeremiah called, "A Life Beyond Amazing." It is an indepth study of the fruit of the Spirit listed is Galatians 5. This will be a very challenging study and one that will stretch each of us in our walk with the Lord. This study is not just for those who attend Trinity, but we welcome anyone from the community. Feel free to contact the church office and leave a message if you are interested. The cost for the book will be $15.
How critical it is for each of us to sincerely pray and contemplate how we are going to grow in our faith in 2022. How are we going to express it in a tangible way that others can sense the love of Christ in us and flowing out to others.
My hope is that once our study begins, each week I will put a review on this page for us to reflect on going forward.
Have a blessed New Year!