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  • Writer's picturePastor Peggy

Forgiven and Strong, Colossians 2:6-23

As we continue our devotions this morning in the book of Colossians it is amazing to me to see the beauty of what our portion of Scripture teaches us today--"you have been given FULLNESS in Christ!" (verse 10) Imagine it with me today! In Jesus you have received everything that you need to live a full spiritual life in the Savior who died for us! In verse 13 we are reminded that ALL of our sins have been forgiven!

Our portion of Scripture today admonishes us to continue to live our lives for Jesus through the faith and grace that saved us. We are rooted in Him and built up in Him through the Spirit as our faith is strengthened. The entire package of our faith is to be OVERFLOWING with thankfulness. How about you today? Are you overflowing with a thankful heart for all the Lord has done for you? Are you keeping fully connected to Jesus so that you continue to grow in your walk with Christ?

The world around us right now seems to be in chaos, yet, we can rest in knowing that our Sovereign Lord is aware of it all and promises to keep us in the midst of it! What an amazing life we have in Jesus! He supplies our every need! He keeps us from the enemy of our souls and gives us the strength we need to fight the spiritual battles that come our way!

Can you give a shout of praise to God today! Let it ring into the Lord's ears!!!

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