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  • Writer's picturePastor Peggy

Are You Content? Philippians 4:10-23

It is amazing to me that when watching a program on TV there are between 6-8 commercials for about every 5 minutes of regular programming. Buy this, don't you want that, this is the best you can get etc. There is unbelievable competition for you to not be content in your life unless you purchase this item. What a battle! Don't you want to keep up with the "Jones's?

Our Scripture today invites us to live life differently than the world does. It invites us to be content in whatever we have--whether less or more. The key is that our contentment is not in the things we have but in Christ. It is knowing that the Lord provides what we need and that we can trust Him to do so. (For extra reading: Matthew 6:25-34) It isn't that having things is bad--it is when we wrestle with the "not being content unless we have" that makes the big difference.

It is interesting that in the same breath of encouraging contentment in Christ comes the idea of also giving and serving. If we are content, it helps us to be better givers. Paul reminds us that our heartfelt giving becomes a fragrant offering and acceptable sacrifice that is pleasing to God.

Giving with contentment results in the deep assurance of knowing that our needs will be met in Jesus! It is the power of Christ in us that enables us to trust the Lord in every aspect of our lives--whether in need or plenty, Christ Jesus is the firm supporter of our lives!

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