As we begin this journey of reading a chapter in Romans each day and then sharing a devotional, I would encourage you to pray before you read your Bible and ask the Spirit of God to enlighten your understanding. Your increased knowledge of God's Word will strengthen you and help you each and every day. You will be amazed!
Today we look at Romans 1:16-17, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes,; first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written, "the just shall live by faith."
The gospel--it is the good news about the sacrifice of Christ for each of us. For in the death and resurrection of Jesus our salvation was won! Our sin forgiven! Our life in God possible! No one is left out! We take this step by faith. Faith is like a muscle and if you don't use it, it will weaken. The righteous person continues through their life to walk by faith and the end result is an ever increasing maturity in the believer's progress of growth in Christ. The goal is to grow! The goal is to be more and more like Christ is our speaking and actions so that God may be glorified through us! It helps us to be able to show forth the power of God in our own lives to those around us. We don't just hold this to ourselves--the gospel and its power is for everyone!
Tomorrow we will glean a truth from Romans 2--be sure to read it today!
We walk by faith!