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  • Writer's picturePastor Peggy

Growing Together

One of the most critical aspects of our walks in Christ is to be consistently growing. But how does that happen? Yes, we all need to attend church services and Bible studies where we are challenged to grow in our faith. We all need fellowship and opportunity to have our hearts encouraged by spending time with those of like faith. But what else is there?

This Sunday we will be beginning a preaching series on the Gospel of Mark. It all begins with preparing the way for the Lord? As you think about that for a moment, how are you preparing your way for the Lord? Are there any obstacles in the way of your learning and growing? Are you hungry for a deeper understanding of God's Word? Are you sensitive to the presence of the Lord and often drawn into His presence in prayer and praise?

We all know that life is full of choices--and that includes our spiritual lives as well. Take the time to get quiet, examine your own heart, and see where you need to grow. As a pastor, I need to do the same thing.

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