Live a life of love--I could stop right there because the message is so clear! If we are going to be imitators of God then our lives are to "be the love of Jesus!" The verses following the opening of this chapter help us to understand different aspects of this love.
Our lives are to be lived out in holiness. No greed, sexual immorality, obscenities, coarse joking and the like. But on the other hand we are to be light in the darkness and there certainly is much of that in our world.
As believers in Jesus we are to live a different kind of life, one that is full of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit flowing through us (read Galatians 5:22-23.) The Scripture gives us a strong admonition in verse 15, "be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise, but as wise..." Don't do anything that would put a dark light on Jesus! Love like He loved.
We can only live the "love life" if we are truly full of the Jesus! How full are you today?