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  • Writer's picturePastor Peggy

April Fools Challenge, April 1, 2020

Today is "April Fool's Day"--a day when many would play a joke on someone and say, "April Fools." I thought about this today, and though that was often in innocent fun, the verse in Psalm 14:1 came to my mind that says, "the fool says in his heart, "there is no God."

This has caused me today to rise up in my heart and wanting to shout to the world--there is a God, and He is good. He is good all the time and we need to cry out to Him at this time in our lives for His mercy, grace, and healing in our nation! These are days when I firmly believe that the Lord is inviting us to draw near to Him. We often rely on our fellowship with one another, our ability to attend worship services where we can hear the Word of the Lord proclaimed and be lifted in our hearts, and these things become our mode of spiritual sustenance through the week. But perhaps God is calling us deeper than that. Perhaps the Lord is calling us to a greater discipline of spending personal time with Him each day, reading our Bibles, prayer, and having that intimate fellowship with God alone?

This is my invitation to you--draw near to God during this time, nearer than ever before. Let His love penetrate every aspect of your life. Lean hard into the Lord and let the Spirit fill you fresh and new with His love and peace. If you will sharpen this discipline in your life during this time--then--when we are able to come together again, what a day of rejoicing that will be!

Drawing near with you!

Pastor Peggy

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