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  • Writer's picturePastor Peggy

A Prayer for the 2nd week of Lent

"Saving God, You are the giver of living water, the source of deepest compassion, the fountain of eternal life; Therefore we pray to you: Wellspring of mercy, hear our prayer.

For all who are thirsty--thirsty for a life of meaning, thirsty for a word of grace, thirsty for a drink of water...wellspring of mercy, hear our prayer.

For all who weary--weary from life's journey, weary from quarreling and testing, weary from pain or grief...wellspring of mercy, hear our prayer.

For all who are broken--broken by sin and suffering, broken by shame and rejection, broken by acts of violence...wellspring of mercy, hear our prayer.

Living God, through your Spirit, pour Your love into our hearts, Your grace into our lives, Your healing into our world, until the earth is filled with Your glory as the waters cover the sea; through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. (copied from Feasting on the Word--Lenten Companion)

May you recognize that Jesus is very near this week--around you and in you.

Pastor Peggy

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